Felix Frenzel
Adventure & Endurance
To get a more detailed idea of what I’m into here are a few highlight from what I like to call my adventure curriculum:
– one semester in Brazil that turned into two and where I met my amazing wife
– hitch hiking to Italy to swim across a lake
– planing and executing expeditions in the Indian Himalaya
– many many invitations in Syria, Jordan and Turkey
– a big parental leave even as everybody except my wife said no
– 250 km hike through the black forest with our 6 month old
– 8000 km road trip in South America with our 8 month old
– hiking in the Sahara with camels
– Hitch-biking North Cape to home
-DIY triathlon following the river Rhine: 11 km paddle, 44 km kick-scooter, 182 km bike
-Guiness World Record: Most countries visited by kick scooter in 24 hours. I rode thourgh 5 countries for 170 km in one day.