Felix Frenzel

Adventure & Endurance


Felix lives by the credo that having dreams is vitally important, making them reality is essential to feel alive.
Organizing expeditions in the Himalayas, diving deep into Arabian culture or taking your 6 month old baby on a road-trip through South America. Adventures faraway or on the doorstep, Felix is never lacking new ideas and always quick with his YES.
Growing up with Jack London stories and his granddads yarn he is very passionate about everything that involves travel, different cultures and adventure.
He is also under a spell for endurance sports and always sets himself new challenges on the bike or in the water.

To get a more detailed idea of what I’m into here are a few highlight from what I like to call my adventure curriculum:

– one semester in Brazil that turned into two and where I met my amazing wife

– hitch hiking to Italy to swim across a lake

– planing and executing expeditions in the Indian Himalaya

– many many invitations in Syria, Jordan and Turkey

– a big parental leave even as everybody except my wife said no

– 250 km hike through the black forest with our 6 month old

– 8000 km road trip in South America with our 8 month old

– hiking in the Sahara with camels

– Hitch-biking North Cape to home

-DIY triathlon following the river Rhine: 11 km paddle, 44 km kick-scooter, 182 km bike

-Guiness World Record: Most countries visited by kick scooter in 24 hours. I rode thourgh 5 countries for 170 km in one day.